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We facilitate the life of the student

with tailored support

You want to continue your studies away from home. You have started the necessary steps, but do not know what awaits you once you arrive in France ? We help you see more clearly. To carry out your study project, you  need visibility. What if we start by finding you accommodation before you leave...

Accueil: Bienvenue

Orientation & coaching, inscription dans nos établissements partenaires

Se loger

Bail, réservation & attestation d'hébergement


Justificatif de ressources financières pour vos études à l'étranger


Job étudiant, stage, alternance & premier emploi post formation


néo-assurance habitation n°1 en France

Let's start by finding you accommodation

Our services have identified three essential areas for student success:  decent housing, financial autonomy and the  choice of training that suits you.

Let's start by finding you accommodation

Our services have identified three essential areas for student success:  decent housing, financial autonomy and the  choice of training that suits you.

Accueil: Liste des prix

Accommodation certificate


You have been accepted⸱e in a French school, but you are a foreign national⸱ère and must go through a request for visa... To facilitate your procedures, obtain already_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_a housing reservation SenFrance. Complete the steps for signing the lease when you arrive in France.


If you  want to sign your lease remotely even before your arrival in France, you have the possibility to do so. The lease will serve as your accommodation certificate and will be sufficient for all your procedures, including the visa application. This solution is the way of tranquility.

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400 résidences étudiantes dans 120 villes

Garantie locative


With our privileged partner,   complete your file and upload your supporting documents in just 5 minutes. If you don't have them all, no problem, you can upload them later!

Assurance habitation

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With our privileged partner,   complete your file and upload your supporting documents in just 5 minutes. If you don't have them all, no problem, you can upload them later!

Postulez pour un
job étudiant

Travailler pendant ses études, c'est possible. Vous pouvez prendre un emploi à temps partiel sans compromettre votre formation et vos chances de réussite.

Découvrez nos autres services

Nous proposons un accompagnement global aux jeunes qui nous confient leur projet d'études. Notre offre est basée sur vos besoins et ne cesse de s'enrichir pour répondre à vos préoccupations.

SENFRANCE arrive à Dakar


Liberté 6 Extension,

route du Camp Leclerc


+221 33 856 52 94

+221 78 738 62 21

Heures d'ouverture

Lun - Sam

9 h - 12h | 14h - 18 h

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